VFW auxiliary president enjoys visit to Silver Valley
Ladies Auxiliary VFW National President Cortina Barnes enjoyed her visit to the Silver Valley over the Labor Day weekend.
It all started Friday at the Cataldo Mission, then on to the Silver Valley Veterans Memorial and the World War I, World War II and Korean War Memorial in Kellogg. She was very impressed with all the work being done to honor our veterans.
There was a big crowd of VFW Posts and Ladies Auxiliary members from all over Idaho to welcome her at dinner Friday night at the Snake Pit. Thank you to Joe and Rose Mary Peak for all their hospitality, and to Jean Vosberg for her history and humor.
Saturday morning started off with Cortina walking through the Isle of Flags into the council meeting, where she was welcomed by StateDepartment President Betty Ann Custis, council officers and members from various districts and Auxiliarys from Idaho and Montana.
She received many gifts, including from Auxiliary No. 1675, and many mementos from the Silver Valley. Thank you especially to Ron Lavigne at Osburn Drug, Wells Fargo Bank in Osburn and many of our local Auxiliary for adding to her welcome package. She took several tours in Wallace that she enjoyed very much and walked the "Under the Freeway" flea market.
Saturday night we honored her with a dinner and more gifts at the Wallace Inn. Thank you to Rick Schaffer and staff for the superb service. Cortina expressed her gratitude to all who are supporting and honoring our veterans. She is looking forward to any and all new members that might join in our cause for better care, service and concern for our veterans, now and in the future.
We said our farewells to Cortina with a breakfast at the Wallace Inn Sunday morning. She will continue her official visits to many more departments. She expressed her delight and gratitude for the many functions at this event.
Sunday night we honored Department of Idaho President Betty Ann Custis, a member of Aux. No. 1675 in Osburn, and Department Commander Ken Austerlund, from Viola, with a luau held at the VFW Post in Osburn. The homecoming for Custis was co-chaired by Esther Capparelli, Auxiliary chaplain, and Julie Robbins, Auxiliary president. Decorations galore, with a beach backdrop for pictures, a wish bowl to collect funds for our veterans at VA Hospital Spokane,good food and music, with the roast and gifts for Betty Ann and Ken by members of the Posts and Auxiliaries. We closed the night and event with best wishes for a good year to both.
If you are interested in joining the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post or Auxiliary please contact us at 752-4811.