Thursday, January 02, 2025

WOLVES: Out of balance once again

| September 8, 2010 10:00 PM

Wolves, once eradicated in the West, were re-introduced and now vastly exceed the agreed upon numbers. Taken off the Endangered Species List last year, due to the efforts of the radical environmentalists they have been returned by Judge Molloy.

Wolves add nothing to any ecosystem and experiments have demonstrated that they will eat every deer, elk and cow until they run out of game and starve to death. Any potential part played by wolves in our ecosystem can easily be played by man. In fact wolves and people just do not mix. Wolves are always spoken of in negative terms: (wolves in sheep's clothing, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs).

Wolves are predators that need to be eradicated again from Idaho. We have the authority to protect ourselves. We need to have open season on wolves 12 months a year and even pay a bounty.

Will we do nothing as a state until a woman or a couple of little children are killed by wolves? It makes no more sense to introduce wolves than putting rattlesnakes in our living rooms.



Coeur d'Alene