ELECTION: Truth will set all free
Please Your Honor let us see who really won the election!
It has been 10 months since the election and we still don't know who won.
It came out in court that the attorneys for the city, county and Mike Kennedy all met the day after the suit contesting the election was filed. Do you think that was to select a place to go to lunch? They have thrown up road blocks one after another to keep us in the dark about what really happened. What frightens them so about us finding out who won this election? I hope that is all coming to light as the trial has finally been set for Sept. 13.
Unfortunately two of Attorney Kelso's motions were denied by Judge Hosack. The first was the charge of corruption etc. Judge Hosack just couldn't see why Kootenai County officials would scheme to influence a city election. HELLO! Is he not familiar with Coeur d'Alene politics?
The second motion by Attorney Kelso asked that Judge Hosack order those "nonresident residents" to come to Coeur d'Alene and testify on how they voted. They just happen to live in California and Canada, but attested that they were residents of Coeur d'Alene when they voted in a city election.
If they are residents of the city of Coeur d'Alene, then the voters should come home and testify. The court should make a demand request to all the Canadian and California voters, but I guess that wouldn't have been fair to make someone testify as a resident just because they voted in a city election open only to residents.
We honest voters did, however, temporarily win on one point, and that was a motion by Attorney Reed. He wanted to put a gag order on those "nonresident residents" so that if they voluntarily came to Coeur d'Alene they would not be able to testify. This as yet was not accepted by Judge Hosack.
Let me repeat, "Please Your Honor let us see who really won the election."
Coeur d'Alene