Briefs September 4, 2010
Presentation to discuss history
A presentation describing what the first documented travelers saw when they came to the area which was to become Rathdrum is scheduled 6:30 p.m. Wednesday.
The program will be at the new building next to the original and renovated Kootenai County jail on Second St. in Rathdrum.
Information: Ellen Larsen, 687-9333
Republican group to meet Thursday
Kootenai County Reagan Republicans meet at noon Thursday at Templin's Resort, Post Falls. Guest speaker: David Frazier.
3Cs will meet Wednesday
The 3Cs (Cancer and Community Charities) will hold a general meeting at noon Wednesday at the Elks Lodge, 1170 Prairie Ave., Hayden. Lunch and social hour will commence at noon and the business meeting will begin at 1 p.m.
Call back auditions scheduled Sept. 6-8
"Elephant Man" call back auditions are 6:30 p.m. Sept. 6, 7 and 8 at the Harding Family Center, 411 N. 15th St. Director Marina Kalani said there will be cold readings from the script. Those trying out should wear appropriate clothing for movement.