Police Department offers Halloween tips
The Coeur d'Alene Police Department is promoting Halloween safety. The following are tips provided by The Inland Automobile Association and The National Confectioners Association.
• Wear light colored or reflective clothing. Keep the clothing short enough to prevent tripping.
• Make sure children can see well through face masks.
• Trick-or-treat during the daylight. If you must trick-or-treat at night, carry a flashlight. Adults should always accompany young children.
• Stay within the neighborhood and only visit homes you know or attend community-sponsored events.
• Travel with a parent, older sibling, or a group of children.
• Watch for traffic. Cross streets carefully, at corners, never in the middle of the block, especially between parked vehicles.
• Only give and accept wrapped or packaged candy. Never eat candy before an adult has had a chance to inspect it.
• Keep costumed children away from pets. The pet may not recognize the child and become frightened.
• Avoid hard plastic or wood props such as daggers or swords. Substitute with foam rubber, which is soft and flexible.
ª Motorists need to slow down. Try driving five miles-per-hour slower than the posted speed limit. Be extra alert to children crossing the street. Turn your headlights on.