Thursday, March 06, 2025

TIMBERLAKE: Job being done right

| October 29, 2010 10:00 PM

Commissioners Quillin, Fish and Rudebaugh made a difficult and hard choice last June on how your fire district was to be managed. In doing so, they made your district operationally and financially stronger.

Sept. 17, 2010, our Liability Insurance carrier stated:

"I was pleased to hear Timberlake Board of Fire Commissioners took the initiative to recognize and address the economic challenges they were facing."

"By entering into the Management Contract with Northern Lakes, you achieved maintaining the levels of service to the community, preserved the jobs of several great men and women, all without increasing the tax load to your service community."

"The community is better served due to this decision." Signed, Gordon W. MacIlvennie, MacIlvennie Associates Inc.

Yes, we admit in the beginning, your firefighters were upset, but now they support and appreciate the new direction of your fire district.

Sept. 20, 2010, Volunteer Captain Bill Wright stated: "The management by Northern Lakes has exceeded his expectations, the volunteer firefighters are happy with the agreement and it is helping to make Timberlake more proficient."

Today you have better trained, safer and happier firefighters, vehicles that are maintained properly and $79,052 to fix them as needed.

Oct. 20, 2010, an ISO inspection was conducted and all indications are that your insurance rating will remain unchanged.

If your district is better, firefighters are happier, and can serve you better, then why would you recall those who did what they were elected last November to do?

Your vote against the recall says yes to fiscal responsibility.