Thursday, January 02, 2025

No time like now for conservatives

by George W. Rodkey
| October 29, 2010 9:00 PM

In the year 1620, one of my ancestors, Mary Chilton, age 13, arrived at Plymouth aboard the Mayflower. Her father, James, was ill and died on the ship, never being able to set foot on this "new land." Legend has it that Mary was aboard a small boat sent out to survey the area and that at this tender age of 13, was the first white woman to go ashore from the Mayflower. Her mother died a short time later that year. As an orphan, she reportedly lived with the family of Gov. William Braddock and William Winslow. Later she married a Winslow, who came to Plymouth in 1621. She is buried in a cemetery in Boston.

In the 390 years since Mary Chilton arrived, many of my ancestors have served in the numerous wars, perhaps some gave the final sacrifice alongside millions of other brave patriots to gain and preserve the prized freedoms we have inherited and enjoyed in this dear land. I, myself, am a veteran of World War II and Korea. If you consider that my ancestors have been contributing to the economy, the freedom, the culture of this nation for now nearly 400 years, can you not understand why I have such great concerns for the direction in which we are headed?

For the first 160 years or so, England ruled the New World. Sometimes well, but later with total disregard for the Colonies. King George III became a tyrannical despot (some would say similar to today) and caused the people to think about freedom which they read about in their Bible. Freedom, was it just a dream or did God intend for us to be free? Eventually this led to various efforts to persuade the King to change, in diplomatic ways, perhaps even to compromise (not their convictions) but to no avail. The Tea Party (sound familiar?) resulted when the People decided enough was enough.

The sentiment was expressed by Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty or give me death!" We all know that great care, thought, debate, deliberation and prayer were associated with the preparation, writing and approval of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The authors were determined to refine the documents to preserve individual freedom and to severely limit the power of the government. They had experienced what power (corrupt power) could and did do, so they gave us a document which, if we would follow it, would preserve our individual freedoms and the Nation indefinitely. The question was and is: Do we have the will to preserve it? Until about 1905 the document was pretty closely followed, although always some greedy politicians wanted to destroy it. Since about 2006 a massive onslaught to destroy it has been mounted.

I have previously written extolling the Constitution which is available and which is mandated by a 2004 law to be taught at all levels in all schools and colleges which receive public funds. Sept. 1 of each year was designated to this teaching. I have never found a teacher or school principal who is even aware of the law. Is it any wonder that our young people see nothing wrong with bashing America and favoring Socialism? I urge you to get and read the Constitution and, when new laws are proposed, check and see if they really should become law.

If you Google "Communist Manifesto" you can read a document which is totally opposed to the Constitution, freedom and the way of life which has been enjoyed in America these nearly 230 years. The Communist Manifesto has the government basically taking control of all private property, all schools, all health care, all financial institutions, all property of emigrants, all inheritance, limiting the mobility of the people. It is total control of the people ruled by that jurisdiction.

When you compare the two documents and ponder the actions of our "Ruling Class" in Washington now, and Congress for the past six years, only one conclusion can be reached: WE ARE BEING RULED MORE BY THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO THAN BY THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Look it up. Does that bother you?

This election is the most critical since President Lincoln was elected. If 2010 isn't the year for conservative candidates (historic Americans) to break new ground, then such a year will never come.

Dr. Rodkey is a Post Falls resident.