HART: Time for people to speak
In the article Republicans Clash Over Hart, Vermont Trotter is quoted as saying, "This is the way the country is set up to operate. When the voice of the people speaks, that's the way it is. So get over it."
But I believe Mr. Trotter is the one who has it wrong. No one intended for anyone to maintain loyalty to a primary candidate when these kinds of things are revealed about the candidate AFTER a primary. In the light of things, the committee should be asking Hart to step down for the good of the party. If Hart had the party's best interest in mind, he would step down.
He ran unopposed in the primary. It's not like primary voters are having their votes disfranchised. We never had a choice in the first place! If I remember correctly, he ran unopposed last election cycle as well.
In a twist of irony, I wonder how many on this committee supported John McCain when he won his primary last election. I know some did. But how many were like Mr. Hart who continued to support Ron Paul ending in Paul's recommendation to cast votes to the Constitution Party Candidate, Charles Baldwin, on Election Day. Yep, it is one's right to do so; but I wonder if we might be seeing a bit of hypocrisy here. Now Mr. Hart wants loyalty at all costs. I understand it is a little different for someone on the committee. The committee needs to maintain party unity. However, that is exactly why I believe the committee is wrong in their decision to stand so firmly behind Hart.
If Mr. Roetter loses his position on the committee over not wanting to support a candidate that has had these kinds of issues revealed about him, then that is to the detriment of our party.
So voters, let's take Mr. Trotter at his words and show him, "When the voice of the people speaks that's the way it is." Vote for Howard Griffiths.