OLSON: Adds up to best candidate
A recent letter by Jerry Tefft praised Tom Luna for his Idaho Math Initiative. Before Nov. 2, Idaho voters need to know a few things that Mr. Tefft did not mention.
A main element of the Math Initiative is Apangea Math, an extracurricular activity that is popular among students mainly because they can win prizes. On top of that, Apangea Math is just one example of how Luna has directed scarce Idaho dollars to out-of-state companies that promote online learning over face-to-face education. Pennsylvania-based Apangea has donated $3,500 to Luna's re-election bid, and an Apangea employee wrote letters to at least two Idaho newspapers praising Luna's math policies without disclosing that she is an Apangea employee.
Luna has also received large campaign contributions from a company called K-12 and its executives. Is it a coincidence that K-12, headquartered in Virginia, got the contract to run the Idaho Virtual Academy? After $200 million in budge cuts to our schools, shouldn't Idaho be looking at ways to keep these dollars and jobs in Idaho?
Idahoans are tired of politics as usual. We need a real educator in the State Superintendent's seat. Dr. Stan Olson has 40 years of experience as a successful teacher and superintendent, and he is not a politician. I'm voting for Dr. Olson on Nov. 2, and I hope that others who care about improving Idaho's schools and keeping our tax dollars in Idaho will join me.