ILLEGALS: Answer is really E-zee
GOP Wall... build a wall to stop illegal immigration. They will build a tunnel underneath the wall... troops on the border... how many, how long and at what cost? Virtual fence... does not work... answer to the problem... massive fines for those who employ illlegals and know that they are.
I have read that several Idaho politicians have sponsored bills to make it illegal to hire illegal aliens and have proposed fines for those who do, and lo and behold, the business groups in Idaho are against such laws - but they support Republicans for political office and Republican candidates support an end to illegal immigration.
Yet when some politicians want to fine these businesses the Republican legislators are against said fines. "Just build a wall," they say. A wall around the truth and a solution to the problem.
Say I: Think job security before you vote. Saint Reagan gave amnesty to 12 million illegal immigrants, Boy George tried the same. How about fines for those who knowingly hire illegals? E-Verify.
Coeur d'Alene