Monday, October 07, 2024

CHRISTIANS: Be heard on Nov. 2

| October 27, 2010 10:00 PM

I have been hearing a lot about Christian voters who are staying at home this election year. How can that be? If, as a Christian, we are unhappy or dismayed at our country as it stands today, we have 545 elected officials in Washington who are there by our permission. In Matthews it says we are the salt of the Earth. Salt is a wonderful ingredient for preserving and flavoring. If we are the salt of the Earth and the salt loses its flavor, there will be groaning throughout the land. And believe me it looks like there is groaning throughout the land. If our officials in Washington are elected by us, then we have only ourselves to blame if things go wrong. This is one of the most critical elections of our times, never has so much been at stake. We, The People (in very large letters) starts the words in the Constitution. It doesn't say, we the government. We, the People elect our officials and when the Christian vote stays home, as in 2006 you can see what happens. Now we are facing a landslide toward Democratic control of the House, Senate and Whitehouse. Without a dissenting vote, whatever laws they favor will easily pass with no opposition except for a few right thinking participants.

We cannot let this happen. Get out there and vote; there is still time to consider your God-given right and for your voice to be heard. Don't stay home and let this opportunity pass to vote your voice in America' government. In 2000 and 2004 a high percentage of Christians voted. In 2006, the Christian turnout was at an all time low and look what happened. If we don't let our salt flavor this election, we can say goodbye to oil drilling as an interim fix to get us out of the control of foreign oil. We will be powerless to change anything in Washington with a solid majority party in control of all three executive branches of government.

So in order to have a power balance in Washington, D.C., get out and vote for what you believe will be the best for America or sit back and let this election be stolen from you. These are dangerous times - do your part to "salt" this great country of ours. Abraham Lincoln was president of one of our most divisive times and he stuck to his principles and brought this country back together with those who stood up for justice for all. Now we are in dangerous times where policy makers need to be selected by all the people, not just one side. We can make a difference! This is no time to stay at home and let the fate of this country be decided by a liberal press and left wing ideologues.


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