Thursday, March 06, 2025

HART: Behavior favors his foe

| October 25, 2010 5:30 AM

How much longer are the voters of Legislative District 3 going to put up with disgraceful and insulting behavior of Rep. Phil Hart? This man's flagrant disrespect for the rule of law and now his apparent disrespect of public property is an embarrassment. The people of District 3 and indeed all the people of Idaho deserve better.

It should be pointed out that the campaigns of Jai Nelson, Steve Vick, and Vito Barbieri have all been choreographed by Phil Hart. Do the people of District 3 and the people of Kootenai County want more of the same?

It is time to put a stop to this. We have a choice of the candidacies of Howard Griffiths and Rick Currie. Write in campaigns are difficult to run and have a low success rate. As voters we need to put forth the tiny bit of extra effort it takes to write in the names of Griffiths and Currie and begin taking back the integrity of our party and our government.


Post Falls