DEMOCRATS: State needs them now
On Oct. 19 Kootenai County citizens had an opportunity to hear candidates present their positions. Boise incumbent after Boise incumbent stated the "Jobs were the No. 1 priority."
This is what we have been hearing from them for years. It sounds great until you realize that Jobs First is a euphuism for putting the needs and interests of corporations ahead of citizens and for "business as usual in Boise".
Last year saw unprecedented cuts, especially to education. Yet business continued as usual in Boise. Once again the legislature refused to consider renewing the sale tax exemptions. Addressing the inconsistencies, outdated policies and favoritism in the code could have brought hundreds of millions to the state. They refused to hire more tax collectors for the state, leaving uncollected tens of millions of dollars owed to us all. And they continued the practice of allowing special tax deals to out of state corporations and individuals, taking money out of the pockets of Idaho citizens.
It is time to say no to business as usual in Boise. It is time to send a message that citizens, especially our children, must come first.
Send new voices and new ideas to Boise. We urge you to vote for Mike Bullard (District 4 seat A), David Larsen (District 5 seat A)and Paula Marano (District 4 seat B) on Nov. 2.
Post Falls