Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Trustee-worthy: Ketchum, Nilson

| October 24, 2010 9:00 PM

Christie Wood has served her community graciously and tirelessly. She's spent six years on the North Idaho College Board of Trustees and eight as a trustee with the Coeur d'Alene School Board.

Ken Howard is an excellent attorney with solid academic and professional credentials and deep roots in the community. You could do far worse than elect Ken and re-elect Christie to the body that governs North Idaho College.

But this year, you could also do better. The Press enthusiastically endorses Ron Nilson and Dr. Robert Ketchum for the NIC Board of Trustees.

In Nilson and Ketchum, your vote will not generate more philosophical discourse or support the status quo. It will guarantee action and heightened accountability to Kootenai County taxpayers.

Who is Ron Nilson? He's a business owner who was the driving force in creating KTEC, the county's soon-to-be technical high school out on the Rathdrum Prairie. It took five painstaking years and a positive vote of citizens in all three Kootenai County school districts, but Ron Nilson did it. He took on a challenge that few people would ever accept and almost none could hope to meet.

Who is Dr. Robert Ketchum? As a founder and many years as the institution's leader, the Workforce Training Center at NIC flourished. He built, managed and grew the greatest link between our community college and the working community until his position was eliminated this year by NIC administration with full support from the board of trustees.

Nilson and Ketchum stand apart because they are committed to helping students in credit and non-credit classes reach their full potential not just intellectually, but economically. They understand that at the end of the educational line, if the graduate doesn't have a good job, the education probably doesn't have good value.

We're convinced Ketchum and Nilson will expand and improve relationships within the community and at the state level. Both have earned the respect of Idaho's state and federal officials, so when they talk about NIC's needs, those holding the keys to resources will listen.

They also are the strongest candidates to ensure that your tax dollars are collected as sparingly as possible and spent wisely. They're fiscally responsible, and as overseers of large organizations they've learned how to accomplish the most with the least.

We applaud all four candidates for their willingness to serve their community in a job that pays nothing. We think Wood and Howard would keep NIC on its present course, but Dr. Ketchum and Nilson will elevate it to new heights of achievement.

Please join us in voting for Dr. Robert Ketchum and Ron Nilson for NIC's board of trustees on Nov. 2.