Thursday, March 06, 2025

Shakespeare in six weeks

| October 22, 2010 9:00 PM


<p>Emily Irvin, right, plays the role of Olivia alongside Amelia Schwaab as Cesario during a dress rehearsal Monday of the Lake City High production of William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.</p>

COEUR d'ALENE - In preparing to put on Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" with students at Lake City High School, Sandra Seaton faced two challenges:

One, she had a cast of mostly girls.

And two, she had a cast of mostly freshmen and sophomores.

Solutions? Improvise.

"I didn't have boys show up so I used girls," she said as she watched a rehearsal in the LCHS auditorium. "It's a play about role reversal, anyway."

So girls took on roles that would usually go to guys. Rebekah Geren is playing the priest, the sea captain and a musician. Ashley Mobraten is playing Valentine. Dina Williams is playing Curio. Kira Oskirko is playing a sailor and an officer.

"The girls are stepping up," Seaton said. "We do what we have to do."

And with fewer seniors and juniors involved, Seaton decided to do a condensed version of sorts of one of Shakespeare's comedies.

"We usually have lots of seniors and juniors. This year, more freshmen and sophomores," said the director of the Lake City High School Theatre Department. "And they haven't had the three years of training."

As a result, it was Shakespeare in six weeks instead of eight, and a script that's about 90 minutes long instead of a few hours.

"C'mon guys, pick it up," Seaton yelled as she continuing watching the rehearsal. "Matt, if you don't know the lyrics, make up lyrics."

Seaton has directed other Shakespeare comedies, including "Much Ado About Nothing," and "Midnight Summer's Dream."

"I just wanted to do a comedy, a Shakespeare comedy," she said. "But it's been challenging to try and do it in six weeks."

Still, she likes the way it's coming together in time for tonight's opening. Students have worked hard and picked up on the nuances of the language necessary for their characters.

"It's got love, it's got betrayal, a little bit of everything," Seaton said.

Jaki Whitmore, a senior, settled in to her role as Maria, a "maid wench" who likes to flirt.

"It's a lot of fun," she said.

Whitmore credited freshmen and sophomores with stepping up to fill in key roles.

"They're going great," she said.

Emily Irving, a junior, had the lead in "Alice in Wonderland" last year. This year, she's playing Olivia, a rich girl with servants who likes to get her way.

She's enjoyed being part of the Twelfth Night production.

"I love Shakespeare," she said.

"Twelfth Night" is a Shakespearian twist on the old comic plotline of madcap events surrounding the mixed up and mistaken identities of twins, only this time Shakespeare mixes up the gender of the twins, as well. It is often considered "the greatest of Shakespearian romantic comedies."

Technical direction and music direction are under Dan Bell, theater arts student teacher and alumni of LCHS. Stage management duties for the production were assigned to Amanda Gallegos, a freshman at LCHS.

"Twelfth Night" will be performed at the Lake City High School Auditorium tonight and Saturday, and Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 28, 29 and 30, at 7 p.m.

A "meet the company" dessert reception will follow tonight's performance. Those planning to attend the Oct. 28 performance can bring two cans of food and get $2 off their ticket price.

Oct. 30 is bring a friend in costume parade. If you and a friend come dressed in costume then both will get in for the price of one.

The cast also includes Amelia Schwaab as Viola, Gabe Geesey as Duke Orsino, Patric Schwaab as Malvolio, Matthew Revis as Feste, Michael Cooper as Sir Toby Belch, Colton Robertson as Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Kody Kratz as Fabian, Briley Moreno as Sebastian, Kevin Granger as Antonio, Erick Watkins as the Sea Captain, Ashley Mobraten as Valentine, Dina Williams as Curio, Kira Oskirko as the Officer, Kelsey Brice and Rebekah Geren as musicians and Sarah Bruch and Katharine Cheevers as Ladies in Waiting.

Tickets may be purchased at the Lake City High School front office or at the door. Ticket prices are $6 general admission or $5 with a Lake City High School ASB.