Sunday, October 06, 2024

LABRADOR: He's vital to our nation

| October 22, 2010 6:02 AM

I'm urgently exhorting my fellow Idahoans to vote true conservative, Raul Labrador, to the U.S. House of Representatives. Never before in our country's history has our freedom been under such great siege! Our very liberty and way of life are at stake!

While it's true that Rep. Walt Minnick(D) has voted against his Democrat Party's & President Obama's liberal socialist agenda on some important legislation, the fact is HIS DEMOCRAT MEMBERSHIP EMPOWERS & ENABLES THE FAR LEFT WING DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP TO HAVE CONTROL OF OUR COUNTRY THROUGH MAJORITY RULE! Rep. Minnick IS THE classic wolf in sheep's clothing! The current barrage of Rep. Minnick's approved TV advertising is filled with appalling fraud and deception.

This election is absolutely CRITICAL for Idaho and our country because Republicans need a net gain of 40 seats to secure the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. It would be devastating for all who love liberty to win only 39 of the needed seats. PLEASE don't let America fall one seat short because of us in Idaho!

Raul Labrador is a rock SOLID conservative who will fight for our freedom! Please vote for Raul on Nov. 2!


Post Falls