Thursday, January 02, 2025

Poll: Voters like GOP

| October 21, 2010 9:00 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) - All signs point to huge Republican victories in two weeks, with the GOP now leading Democrats on virtually every measure in an Associated Press-GfK poll of people likely to vote in the first major elections of Barack Obama's presidency.

In the final survey before Election Day, likely voters say the GOP would do a better job than Democrats on handling the economy, creating jobs and running the government.

Most also think the country's headed in the wrong direction. More than half disapprove of Obama's job performance. And even more don't like the Democratic-controlled Congress.

Neither party is popular. But likely voters view the GOP a bit more positively than they do the Democrats. Slightly more say they will vote for the Republican congressional candidate in their district over the Democrat. And most think the GOP will win control of Congress from the Democrats.

"If we get some new blood in there who will do what the people want, maybe this can get turned around," said Sharon Klawender, 70, who lives in rural Kingston in Michigan, one of the most economically troubled states. She hopes Republicans will "get things back under control."

Like many others, Klawender bemoans outrageous spending in Washington and dismisses "stupid projects" paid for by Obama's economic stimulus plan. "Jobs are important," she says. "Houses left and right are being foreclosed."

Time is running out for the White House and Obama's Democrats to change the collective mind of a woefully pessimistic electorate trying to weather joblessness stuck near 10 percent. Many states already are voting.

Even Democrats acknowledge that the GOP is within reach of winning control of the House, picking up several Senate seats and taking over governor's posts across the ailing Midwest.