Sunday, October 27, 2024

LIBERALS: Fed up with falsehoods

| October 20, 2010 5:19 AM

Having a left wing relative who sends me the Huffington Post and other blog rants, I get to read the material before Mr. Pappas rewrites it for his letters. In parroting these opinions he gives little regard for truth or common sense.

The Democrats have controlled the house and senate with a large majority for the last four years. They can and have controlled all the legislation passed. The Republicans haven't had the power to paralyze the senate as he falsely claims.

Dems headed the banking and commerce committees when the banks failed and received sub-prime loans, large contributions from Fannie and Freddie, and taxpayers had to pay it back. The Goldman Sachs inquiry lasted just several hours, as it was disclosed they contributed $93 million to the Obama campaign. While GM stockholders lost their money, union members with stock were reimbursed with $200 billion of taxpayer money to buy their votes. ACORN received $30 million of taxpayer money for their support and votes and AARP got $18 million for endorsing the health care bill.

With four years of senate control, and the White House for two, it's time to stop blaming others for failed policies, rampant corruption, and an arrogant disregard for the will of the people. While demeaning all tea party people, Republicans, media that don't slobber over Obama, the past president, he claims those people use slander and hate speech.

The Arizona lawsuit is nothing more than a ploy to get Hispanic votes with the promise of amnesty. Surely the taxpayers can support another 20 or 30 million, and not be bothered by the drug violence on the border. They could bring back the welfare programs the liberals depended on, as they feel entitled to get everyone else's money to support their elite status. While the taxpayers being major stockholders in GM until the money is repayed, why did the Dems accept $30 million in contributions that should have gone to repayment?

One big fact left out is that the Republicans voted "no" to the Wall Street bailouts and "no" to the failed stimulus plans, and yet Mr. Pappas blames them for the big spending. He displays a hatred for the network with the biggest ratings, as the "we report, you decide" shouldn't be allowed. The elite liberals should never be questioned, nor should the normal public be allowed to hear both sides of an issue or facts surrounding an issue.

The upcoming election will show the majority of Americans are fed up with liberal spin, falsehoods, blame everyone else and complete failure to consider the welfare of our country. Having liberals in charge is akin to leaving rats guard your food supply, as all you have left is their droppings.

