HAYES: Time for a change
I am writing this letter to ask for your vote for Cliff Hayes for Kootenai County Clerk.
I attended school with Dan English, Cliff's opponent, from the seventh grade until graduation in 1969. I have voted for Dan in every election because of our long friendship and because I thought he was doing a good job.
Recently, a retired district judge ruled against Jim Brannon's election contest. Although Kennedy supporters crowed that was proof the election process was fair, the testimony given in court showed numerous errors were made in the county's handling of the election. On one point, the Idaho Secretary of State's Chief Deputy testified that a Clerk's failure to keep absentee ballot records required by law would mean that he was "not doing his duty." Dan English himself testified repeatedly that he didn't know the answer to questions about the procedures followed by his office. When questioned about how his staff operates, he said he "had faith" in them.
Kootenai County citizens are fortunate to have a choice in this election. Cliff Hayes is a proven leader and capable manager. In 1983 Cliff began dispatching for the Post Falls Police Department. By 1988 he was the Chief of Police! By the time he retired in 2009, Cliff had built the department into an efficient, professional force. Cliff Hayes made improvements as needed without huge expense to our community. Cliff will do the same as County Clerk in the Elections Office, and in all four other departments under the Clerk's management.
On Nov. 2, please vote for Cliff Hayes.
Post Falls