Thursday, March 06, 2025

GOEDDE: Trustworthy, balanced in approach

| October 20, 2010 5:22 AM

For going on nine years now I've worked with Sen. John Goedde tackling education issues, as well as other concerns important to the people of Kootenai County. Over those years I've come to understand that the two most important factors in choosing a legislator are finding a person that you can trust, and finding someone who can provide access into the power structure that you need to reach in order to impact issues that are important to you.

Although I have not agreed with John on every issue, I've come to trust his integrity and his sense of balance when approaching difficult budget decisions and when developing solutions that are even-handed and sensitive to the needs of his many constituents. I have watched him work as Chair of the Senate Education Committee and I remember the extra care that John always took to gather information from education professionals when approaching tough issues.

Several years ago when educators and community leaders needed a legislator to tweak a law that would allow KTEC to become a reality upon voter approval, John Goedde was the leader who stepped up and carried that bill in the Senate. Simply put, John's experience and seniority in the legislature have earned him a position of respect with his colleagues that provides access and power to the citizens of Kootenai County. Currently Senator Goedde's fingerprints are on numerous bills that have benefitted Kootenai County in areas such as medical education, property issues, school transportation and the new Hospice House, coming soon to Kootenai County.

On the national level John has recently been selected as co-chair of the Education Committee for the National Conference of State Legislatures. Again, this position provides John with the access necessary to impact the national education agenda from this state's perspective.

Leaders such as John Goedde are important to elect, and crucial to retain, and that's why I'll be supporting John in the upcoming election.


Coeur d'Alene