Thursday, January 02, 2025

CURRIE: You know what you'll get

| October 20, 2010 5:24 AM

My husband is not a sore loser as some have labeled him. It was only after being approached by so many people that he considered running as a write-in candidate to keep his seat on the BOCC. Silly us, we opted to run a clean campaign as did Mr. Fillios, Rick's motto has always been to take the high road. Obviously, that did not work out too well this time around as we were blindsided by dirty politics, sleazy campaigning and slander. But, there just comes a point where one has to say enough is enough and you need to stand up for yourself.

It's very simple with Rick: You don't lie, you don't cheat people and you work hard at your job. I don't think people realize the amount of work required to do this job well. You are on call 24-7. Most days he's out of the house before 7 a.m., some days he doesn't get home before 11 p.m. That's not every day, but it happens often. He is gone 3-4 nights a week at various meetings or City Council sessions throughout the county. On Saturdays through the Legislative session Rick gives up half of his day to sit in on the legislator's public forums to answer questions anyone may have concerning county business. He travels to Boise to lobby for Kootenai County once a week during the Legislative session. The welfare of Kootenai County is always his foremost concern. This is not a part time job!

Isn't this the kind of person you want looking out for our welfare? I will be proud to write-in my husband's name in on the ballot Nov. 2 and I hope you will too.

Please, fill in the circle, and write-in Rick Currie for District 2 Commissioner.


Coeur d'Alene