Benefits of a Tilt-In-Space Wheelchair
Do you know somebody who uses a wheelchair? Have you ever stooped to think if they are properly positioned or is the wheelchair adequately set up to meet their needs.
In this day an age, technology has come a long way. Wheelchairs (Manual or Power) now have the capability to replace ones ability to pressure relief. One way, and the most beneficial, is the Tilt-in-Space. A Tilt-in-Space wheelchair is a manual or power wheelchair that can rotate over the base to mitigating pressure.
A Tilt-in-Space provides the necessary change in position for clients who cannot independently shift their body weight or change position. These clients would be at a higher risk for skin breakdown and their sitting tolerance is compromised.
This feature provides a change in position for individuals who cannot maintain pelvic, trunk, head position, and/or balance against gravity for prolonged periods of time. This can also aid in preventing postural collapse where individuals are at risk for respiratory or digestive complications. In addition, people who suffer from fixed hip joint contractures or postural hypotension would benefit from these types of wheelchairs.
Believe it or not, qualifying for this feature to be covered by insurance is relative easy. Anyone who spends more than two hours a day in wheelchair and has an inability to complete a functional weight shift may qualify.
If you are interested in finding out more about this type of wheelchair or any other mobility needs you might have, please feel free to contact American Seating & Mobility at (208)659-5555.