Thursday, March 06, 2025

LABRADOR: Passes the Arpaio test

| October 17, 2010 10:00 PM

Walt Minnick is trying to deceive the public on Raul Labrador's stand on illegal immigration. Labrador has repeatedly stated he is opposed to amnesty for illegal aliens, and would send troops to the border, and that he supports Arizona's struggle. Arizona's Joe Arpaio has stated his support for Labrador.

Throughout the nation, Democrats who cannot run on their record of supporting the Obama-Pelosi agenda are using "politics of personal destruction" to deflect from the real issues. It is said that if you keep telling the same lies over and over people will eventually come to believe them. Minnick has enough money to drown the state in television and radio ads thus continuing the deception about Labrador's immigration stand.

The truth is that Minnick does not oppose amnesty for illegals and Labrador solidly opposes amnesty.


Coeur d'Alene