Sunday, October 13, 2024

A thief in the night

by Kathryn Kriss
| October 16, 2010 9:00 PM

Is Social Gospel/Justice coming to a church near you? Or has it already arrived? Did you know it was coming or when it got there?

Social Gospel is much like a thief coming in the night while you were sleeping and taking the most valued item you have. In your church it will ultimately be the relationship with the God you thought you had and replacing it with a more worldly substitute.

We trust our pastors and priests to teach us the word of God, study its depths, search its mysteries. Social Gospel teaches you that there are holes in God's words. That God just didn't do enough, or even that we have missed the fact that the kingdom promised is here and has been here all of the time but we just didn't notice. Even worse is that we can fix this world if we just pool our resources. Is our trust being abused when a pastor bit by bit brings information before a trusting congregation that eventually suggests there are holes in the inspired word of God?

For those who do not acknowledge the existence of God this word for you has no application, but for those who believe in, love, and respect a god that created this beautiful planet, gave us his son and spirit whom you believe in your heart died and rose again so that you may live, you need to start asking questions when the ideas of purpose-driven lives, suggestions of holes in our Lord's gospel begin to emerge from the mouths of those we trust, and entrust our tithes.

Those ideas are not just words; they have meaning behind them. Like the word, "change," did anyone think to ask what kind of change? Purpose-driven. For what ultimate purpose? To "serve the world." I for one do not serve the world I serve the god who created this world and I do this by doing my best to care for my neighbor whenever I can.

Look to our community and ask yourself why we are sometimes pressed to help people on the other side of the globe often to the tune of thousands of dollars when, according to our own Press, we expect a rise in the number of elderly in need this winter in our own hometown, and cannot keep shelves stocked in our own food banks?

When we cannot even serve our neighbors adequately how do we expect to serve people when their own oppressive governments keep them thirsty and hungry to keep their power over the people? If every community in the world loved and cared for each other there would be no need to ship care elsewhere.

If you have the time please Google social gospel, purpose driven, hole in the gospel, willow creek, along with the words social justice, socialism, redistribution of wealth, and you may be very surprised with the names of people and organizations you come up with, and who they say they are, and what they ultimately believe in. All are branches sharing a common root. The path these people believe is the right path for you, that path will ultimately lead to service of the world rather than the service of the perfect God and the perfect Word you thought you had chosen to serve.

Do not be afraid to speak up to those who are leading you because you have placed your trust in them. Ask questions, write letters, attend board meetings. Hold these men accountable for their words. Do not run away; stay and stand up for the perfect gospel. Since when did the perfect word of God develop holes? Love one another and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Kathryn Kriss is a Coeur d'Alene resident.