Sunday, October 06, 2024

PROTEST: Stand up, not down

| October 15, 2010 10:00 PM

The Oct. 10 Press Editorial tells us to "resist temptation" by ignoring "the money-motivated martyrs" of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan. Anne Way states that we need to support our troops. C.Rose quotes Edmund Burke, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

The Press may elect to turn the other cheek but I am in agreement with C.Rose who states that we should "turn out peacefully against them at their own protest." What these martyrs did at the very gravesite of one of our veterans is despicable. This disgraceful act did not just affect the family but all Americans. This is the time for us to utilize our constitutional rights by standing UP not down.

Stand UP in support of our troops who fight for us while we sleep peacefully at night. Stand UP for God. Stand UP for our country. Stand UP for our Constitution.

In protest, let's wear headphones indicating that we will not listen to their crap. Wave your flags. Carry signs... RESPECT OUR TROOPS, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT, IN GOD WE TRUST, WBC DEVIL-WORSHIPPERS, GO HOME, or anything else you deem appropriate such as "money-motivated martyrs." Since they are so hell-bent on abusing our First Amendment, perhaps we should also indoctrinate them into our other constitutional rights... to bear arms. I encourage any veteran and everyone else to make their stand in support of the soldier who was mocked and disgraced by this group.

There is a time and place for turning the other cheek but this is not it. On Friday, Oct. 22 for 90 minutes... Stand UP not down!


Coeur d'Alene