Thursday, March 06, 2025

LABRADOR: He's the conservative

| October 15, 2010 10:00 PM

Sorting fact from election hype is difficult for even the most discerning voter. Raul Labrador, an attorney and legal immigrant to this country, has a legal practice where he helps clients obtain citizenship in a proper and legal manner. He does not advocate illegal immigration. The fact that part of his law practice is in immigration law is quite obviously a desire to help others achieve the American dream as he and his family did. His vocation should not be used as a reason to vote against him. His voting record in the state legislature is a reason to vote for him.

Walter Minnick should be voted out because having one party in overwhelming strength in both the House and Senate, combined with the presidency, is a disaster for the country. One need look no further than the health care bill of 2,000 pages, passed in only hours, without any chance to read it or modify it. That action alone is enough to turn one's stomach and to cause any intelligent person to question the viability of this nation with this type of leadership. Although Minnick did not vote for it, there is no doubt that he was given the green light to go against the party.

I urged Congressman Minnick to leave the Don't Ask - Don't Tell policy regarding homosexual behavior in the Armed Forces alone. I have to give him credit for a straight answer. He said he would not discriminate against anyone. Period. What would he discriminate against? Is there no behavior that he would be against? I have no use for child abusers, perverts, bank robbers, liars, etc.

The National Pro Life Alliance reports that 51 million innocent unborn babies have died at the hands of abortionists since the Supreme Court legalized the slaughter of the unborn in 1973. In the past year, Congressman Minnick had a 100 percent rating from NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League).

Raul Labrador, along with Senator Crapo, have pledged to oppose any federal funding of abortion and support both a National Parental Notification and Intervention Act and a life at Conception Act.

It is vitally important that we elect representatives that will stop the radical agenda of the Obama Administration and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

One college professor used to say that we as a people get the government that we deserve.


Post Falls