Thursday, March 06, 2025

A gift from seniors

| October 15, 2010 9:00 PM

We can hear you youngsters snickering in the back of the room.

"These old folks are miffed because they aren't getting an increase in their Social Security payments," you're saying. "Boo hoo. Join the club!"

(Didn't think we could hear you, did you? And by gosh, we're none too happy that you also joked about us not just raising Cain, but raising our canes. Hmmmph!)

Well, you're right. Even though we paid plenty into the system for longer than you 'snappers have been alive, many of us are struggling just to pay the electric bills and ridiculous medical costs, let alone have enough left over to afford a hot meal from time to time. Help with the grandkids' education? Not last year and apparently, not this year either. A little extra for something we'd like but don't need? Absolutely - as soon as we win the lottery.

But even though we don't like it, there are a lot of us 65 and over who want to say something loud and clear.

We'll do our share. Don't you worry about that.

Listen, some of us have lived through World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We've helped tear down the Iron Curtain and we thawed the Cold War. We've survived a slew of recessions and we're not about to let this one keep us down. If we gripe a little, well then, we think we've earned it.

So no increase in our Social Security payments this year, the second year in a row after almost 35 years with hikes every single year? We'll live with it, and soon enough you'll see some of these frowns turn into smiles.

Because after we get used to the bad news a little bit, we'll take pleasure in the silver lining from this dark little cloud: Our saving money today will help you young people later. And we're pretty sure you'll need all the help you can get.