STRAHORN: When negatives hit home
"Doing right by your constituents," "Taking care of yours." Call it what you will, the City Council of Hayden Lake decided to change Strahorn exactly how the people of the city wanted it. I am a city of Hayden resident who does not approve of Hayden Lake's decision to change this street.
Councilman Gorman had four reasons as to why the street was changed. 1. Improve Safety 2. Stay within budget 3. Preserve Trees 4. Reduce Volume and Speed.
I have only one reason right now, shortly to be two reasons; My 2-year-old son and my unborn child due Thanksgiving day. I live on North Hillview Drive and have now experienced the negative effects of my neighboring city's decisions. Traffic has increased, people are driving faster and safety has decreased.
Mr. Rossi voiced his legitimate concerns very well and used some farm analogies in doing so. This is my farm analogy Mr. Rossi. Farmers are usually good neighbors, they understand that helping themselves and their neighbors results in good for all. Farmers don't push there problems on the neighbors land because they know it will come back sooner or later.
I hate it when people just point out obvious problems. My solution: Take out some trees, properly build a road and then police it. I believe that the current solution only diverts the problem to other streets. Diversion of a problem is not a solution.