EDUCATION: It's issue Number 1
It seems we have been hoodwinked again or still! As I listen to politicians and political candidates and read some of the letters to the editor, it occurs to me it is no accident the United States Education system has fallen from No. 1 to 12th in the world. Big corporations and people in power have intentionally dumbed down our populations for their own benefits.
It was interesting to read a letter praising Gov. Otter for not raising taxes but no mention that he cut the budget for education of our children in order to balance the budget. Have mature people forgotten public education of 40 or 50 years ago? We had music, art, theater, public speaking, home economics, shop, in addition to civics, government, history, math, science, literature. Not many of those classes are available today. We graduate children who know how to pass tests not balance a check book or find a book in a library or fill out a job or apartment application or who have ever seen a reenactment of a Broadway play, worse, have never read a book cover to cover!
Recently a TV anchor interviewed 10 young Americans and 10 young Europeans, asking the same questions about certain people in the U.S. It was embarrassing that the people in Europe knew exactly the Supreme Court Justices, who was Speaker of the House and most of the Americans had no idea. I was stunned when only four of the 10 Americans could name the vice president. These are people 18 to 25 years old.
It's not surprising politicians lie about who they are and what they have done. There's a 50/50 chance no one will ever investigate. Instead, they will repeat the lie and swear to its validity.
Is there any wonder our country is in such a mess? That our politics are so corrupt? When the populace is ignorant, tyrants rule.
Ask candidates their position on education. It should be at the top of the list not the bottom.