Thursday, January 02, 2025

TRASH: Big bins aren't mandatory

| October 10, 2010 10:00 PM

On Oct. 2 I received a notice from Waste Management, Coeur d'Alene's trash collection contractor, informing me of their imminent delivery (in October) of "Your New Blue Recycling Cart!" How exciting, another 64-gallon can. I barely fill the old post office sized box every two weeks now. I don't have room for this new gigantic beast nor will I put another garbage can inside my house to sort on their behalf.

I have no problem with recycling waste; I believe we should be as kind to our environment as we can. However there are many people in our city who either have no need for these or even the room to store this additional behemoth can (not to mention an additional burden on our elderly who may not be aware that it is voluntary, think winter) without placing it in or near the driveway where it will become a permanent big blue reminder of the heavy hand of our local government and blighting our neighborhoods with more unwanted clutter.

Believing it has being foisted upon us without our full approval or knowledge, I called Waste Management and found out that this new bin is VOLUNTARY! No where in their notice is this mentioned. You may call Waste Management at 765-4968 or (866) 921-7492 and make your choice known before they actually begin to distribute these. You had better hurry! Again, if you can fill one in two weeks and have a place for it, more power to you. But, if you don't want another giant city required trash bin in addition to the big grey one you have now, call and let them know.


Coeur d'Alene