Thursday, January 02, 2025

Time to 'Make a Difference'

Staff Writer | October 9, 2010 9:00 PM

COEUR d'ALENE - ElderHelp of North Idaho is ready to make a difference for senior citizens this winter.

And if the community rallies to the cause, it could mean $10,000 for the nonprofit.

ElderHelp is planning a work day on Oct. 23, which is the national "Make a Difference Day." Volunteers will go to homes of seniors needing assistance and focus on projects revolving around energy efficiency.

"This is great opportunity for people and groups to help improve the financial situation by addressing and improving their energy efficiency and helping the most frail prepare their homes for winter," said John Corcoran, president of ElderHelp of North Idaho.

This will include replacing window sealing, trailer skirting and insulation, weather stripping, clearing yards and delivering firewood.

Registration and a light breakfast will start at 8 a.m. at Heart of the City Church, 521 Emma Ave. Caravans will start at 9 a.m. and are expected to go until about 4 p.m.

Make a Difference Day is the largest national day of helping others. It is sponsored annually by USA Weekend Magazine in partnership with Hands On Network and is supported by Newman's Own Foundation, which donates $10,000 to the charities of 10 selected efforts.

If there is a strong enough response locally on Oct. 23, ElderHelp could be one of the charities receiving the $10,000 award. That money, in turn, would help the organization do more for seniors.

ElderHelp recently was also selected as one of 100 to receive a video camera from Hands on Network to record its efforts on Oct. 23, and then post it on the Make a Difference Day channel on YouTube.

"We hope to have hundreds of volunteers out to make a difference for 100-plus seniors in our community," Corcoran said.

Seniors wishing to receive help, and volunteers wanting to pitch in on Oct. 23, should call 661-8870.

Anyone wishing to donate can send checks to 221 Sherman Ave., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814.