MARANO: Has deep roots here
It is rare to know a person who has the integrity, ability and commitment to serve her community as does Paula Marano, candidate for state representative from district 4. It is our good fortune that she has the desire to serve and willingness to work hard to serve well. This is a time that calls for leadership and Paula will provide that.
Paula raised her family in Coeur d'Alene and has a long record of community service helping families in our area. She knows our community and with her collaborative approach will work to represent all of its residents.
Paula is a retired educator and was the 2006 Elementary Teacher of the Year. She also served a term as president of the Coeur d'Alene Education Association. One of her main priorities is to promote quality education and with her experience in education she will have much to offer in the debate over how best to do that. At a time when schools are struggling to overcome budget cuts, Paula's experience will be valuable in determining how we make the best use of scarce resources.
Paula has been visiting with community leaders from all walks of life to learn their concerns so that she can represent all of us well. In a time of angry bickering and extreme partisanship, Paula represents a voice of reason and cooperation. She is not interested in promoting a partisan agenda; she is interested in creating solutions to the problems we face.
Intelligent, hard working, dependable, reasonable, capable, open minded, and inspired to serve - that is Paula Marano. I urge you to support her with your vote Nov. 2.
Coeur d'Alene