GOP: Critics a sour grapes brigade
State Sen. Mike Jorgenson lost his seat in the GOP primary to the more conservative Steve Vick. Mr. Vick was supported by 3rd District Representatives Hart and Clark.
KCRCC Chairman Brad Corkill and Vice Chair Duane Rasmussen lost their positions to the more conservative Tina Jacobson and Tony Wisnieski. Do you see a trend here?
What is going on locally is no different than what is happening nationally. The current central committee is far from being "wacko." Citizens want the GOP to be accountable and voted against the lais-sez faire do nothings.
Since the primary, Mr. Jorgenson has acted like a wounded bull. Mr. Rasmussen is much more subtle, but far more destructive with his nefarious sniping on blogs. Mr. Roetter lost his central committeeman's seat, but retained his role on the exec. board as the State Committeeman by decreeing how conservative he was. His relationship with the "old guard" is well known. Even so, it came as a total surprise that the tenets of the central committee to "support the candidates in campaign efforts" was so openly violated by Mr. Roetter. Imagine if everyone on this committee took a similar stand on the candidates of their choice. What would be left would be total chaos and effete Kootenai Co. Party. It is obvious by Mr. Roetter's public comments that he is not a principled person, but a puckish one. If he were principled he would have resigned.
Phil Hart was elected by 3rd District constituents in the primary. They, and only they, have the final say whether he is to retain his seat. Mr. Roetter, Jorgenson, Rasmussen, et al, wish to use this issue to undermine the GOP in this county for their own selfish purpose.
Post Falls