Friday, July 26, 2024

SENIORS: Please heed this SOS

| November 30, 2010 6:17 AM

Recently I read Sholeh Patrick’s article in The CDA Press about the financial crisis facing Lake City Senior Center.  Because of our frigid weather, the senior center will have an even more difficult time paying their power bill to keep the seniors who come for meals and other activities warm. 

Due to decreasing state dollars and other income shortfalls, Lake City Senior Center is being challenged to continue their healthy meals at the center and their Meals on Wheels program.  This critical service provides about 1800 meals monthly to frail and elderly homebound seniors in their homes. Many seniors enjoy other services at the center such as pool, cards, art classes, blood pressure check up, health information and other social activities.  The contact with other seniors and volunteers helps to keep them more active and makes their lives more enjoyable.  Lake City Senior Center is all about improving the quality of life for the hundreds of seniors they serve.

When I was a Kootenai County Commissioner, I was the advocate for seniors and served on Area Agency and Lake City Senior Board. In the past I initiated the S O S (Save Our Senior) fund drive to help raise money for this important center.  I also helped coordinate a style show for a couple years that has continued under other volunteer leadership. 

It appears they need additional funds NOW to keep the doors open. You can help by sending a check to S O S (Save Our Seniors) at their center located at 1916 N Lakewood Drive in Coeur d’Alene. You can help by offering to volunteer at the center or with special events. You can help by remembering Lake City Senior Center in your will.

I have been thankful for many blessings during this Thanksgiving season, and I count the many contributions from our seniors during their lifetimes as gifts we should appreciate. Please let this “greatest generation” know how much they are appreciated by helping to keep their center open.  I just mailed my S O S check.  Won’t you?


Coeur d’Alene