Friday, July 26, 2024

Found Images - Nov. 6

| November 12, 2010 3:45 PM


<p>SHAWN GUST/Press</p>


<p>SHAWN GUST/Press</p>


<p>SHAWN GUST/Press</p>


<p>SHAWN GUST/Press</p>


<p>SHAWN GUST/Press</p>


<p>SHAWN GUST/Press</p>


<p>SHAWN GUST/Press Dew gathers on the intricate work of a spider's web Thursday near Lake Coeur d'Alene. Spiders are born knowing how to build webs instinctively. The web is created from silken threads that are produced from several spinneret glands located in the arachnid's abdomen.</p>


<p>JEROME A. POLLOS/Press Allison Duffin, 12, anticipates receiving her new iPod Touch Friday from Donette Pickett, program manager for Apangea Learning, the Canfield Middle School student earned after accumulating 24,111 points for the Apangea Learning math competition. Students who participated in the program earned points for every math problem they answered correctly in the statewide competition. Duffin earned the most points in the region and placed 13th in the state.</p>


<p>SHAWN GUST/Press Richard Peterson carries a stack of box lunches Wednesday after Coeur d'Alene Casino Banquets and Catering delivered meals for Project Safe Place youths. 15 lunches and a spaghetti dinner large enough to feed 20 was delivered to the organization as part of a 3-year partnership with the casino. The casino's catering company delivers more than 400 meals to Project Safe Place every year.</p>

A collection of imagery found while out and about in North Idaho during the past week.