Saturday, December 21, 2024

IB: Police presence wasn't the story

| May 19, 2010 10:00 PM

I am surprised and disappointed in your front page article “Stakes rising in IB spat.” Rather than addressing what the concern of the parents are you focused on the police presence. The fact that the police were called by the school shows attempted intimidation by the school administrators. If the protesters had created a reason for oversight of the law I'm sure a citizen would have called.

Yet, as I stated I'm troubled by your lack of investigation into the parent's concerns. Because I didn't get those answers from your article I went to the internet for my answers. What I found was disturbing to me as an American. From the IBO website: "The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people," sounds all sweet and star- treky right? What that statement translates into in application is a person that won't be willing to die to preserve the liberties paid for by past generations with their lives.

The "goals" of the "international thinkers" behind this program will leave those "educated" with a lack of understanding of individual rights and worse, a lack of patriotism and allegiance to the Greatest Country in the history of the world. The intentionally NOT obvious goal of this program is to produce people that don't believe in borders.

Also from the site: "schools implementing the continuum must refer closely to the IB document Programme standards and practices." See for yourself.

P.S. I don't have kids in Hayden Schools but they are my future and YOURS.


Coeur d’Alene