AZ LAW: Read first, then react
On Sunday, May 9, a letter appeared in the CDA Press that basically stated the new immigration law in Arizona will not work because according to the writer, Jim Mowreader, it does not address the problem, (his words) "skinflints who hire illegals" etc.
If Mr. Mowreader would have taken the time to read Arizona SB1070 he would have seen section 23-212 A on page 11 which states: “An employer shall not knowingly employ an unauthorized alien.”
The section goes on with legalese that explains further what will happen to the employer. It also addresses an employer who uses a subcontractor who hires illegal aliens and states that it is the employers responsibility to make sure the subs do not use any illegal aliens.
While someone may agree or disagree with any piece of legislation before you criticize it, you should at least read it.
Spirit Lake