CORPS: Feds must regulate
I wonder when we, the people of the United States, will understand the obvious truth: government MUST regulate corporate activity. Can we afford to believe, for even a moment longer, that what's good for business is good for America? How many more lost retirement accounts, jobs shipped overseas, tainted foodstuffs, deadly mine blasts, poisoned environments, and broken oil pipelines gushing into our oceans can we possibly ignore?
While corporations and their lobbyists fill the pockets of our elected officials and tout the positive benefits of “self regulation,” we continually bear the brunt of the system failures and the shoddy products. Somehow, those with the most to benefit from this continued lack of oversight have convinced a large portion of the people that unrestrained capitalism is in the public's interest. It's not, folks.
So quit buying into the vitriol that is meant to keep us sniping at each other while the robber barons grab all that they can. Government exists to serve the people, to protect our interests. Perhaps it's time for us to hold our government and our elected officials accountable to us, not big business.