Saturday, December 21, 2024

Candidate Profile-Jack W. Schroeder

| May 7, 2010 12:26 PM

Birth date: July 25, 1938

Profession: Currently - Insurance agent

Educational background: Bachelor of Arts Majoring in Communication University of Notre Dame - 1960. Master in Organizational Management - University of Phoenix 1998

Public Service: None

Community Service: None that I am affiliated with that I care to identify. I volunteer and contribute when needed.

Married: 14 years. Wife - Pam. We were both widowed having lost our spouses to cancer.

Children: Six. We have seven grandchildren.

Hobbies: Landscaping, music, golf, neighborhood.

 Why are you running for office?

I am running for office at this point in my life because I see the country, the constitution and our way of life being slowly taken and changed to something that inevitably, in my opinion, lead to the demise of our society the way we have known it.

What do you see as the three biggest issues you’ll face?

1- The denial of our citizens as to what is taking place in our country today.

2- The apathy that anything can be done to change it.

3- How to fix or change it for the better.

 If elected, what steps will you take to resolve these issues?

1- People need to know and be informed where they stand in the society. They are constantly being hammered with misleading information about their status, what to expect and how change will affect them in their lifetime. While there are bumps along the way, most peopole can deal with the truth. They don't like to be lied to; they don't like to be manipulated, and they like to be as informed as possible so they can make dcisions for themselves. In this case, their leader needs to be transparent

 2- Most folks today don't care any more. They see the system as having failed them. They feel left out of the process. They see their politicians as having failed them, so they don't really care anymore. The recent debacle in the United States Congress in passing a health care bill is a perfect example. Most folks in this country didn't care for the legislation, and the MINORITY prevailed, so people just quit being involved. Our politicians don't inform us and when they do, they tell us what they think we want to hear.

 3- Folks need to know that they are important in the process. They need to converse with their leaders. They need to reaquaint themselves with some basics of living. They need to be told the truth and how things really are. They need to be included. They need to know when things are not going well and what can be done about any given situation to improve it. The fix is in the people. Give them the leadership and the tools and they will change their own society.

 What specific skills or experience qualify you for this job?

I have 18 years working in middle-upper management positions with two Fortune 500 companies. I know how to lead people to what works best for them. I have exceptional leadership and people skills. I budget well. I know how to say no, but compromise in the same sentence. I know how to market and sell. One of these days, someone will figure out how to market this beautiful state, partially aiding our unemployment situation.

 Why should voters elect you, rather than an opponent?

The above identifies my skills and background. There are probably a few people who have the leadership capabilities and skill sets to accomplish many things. I don't see these qualities in today's politicians. I am not a politician. if this position requires me to make a decision based on what my constituients require, I will not compromise our position. Being new to this game, I owe no-one anything.