Saturday, December 21, 2024

Candidate Profile-Claude M. (Skip) Davis III

| May 7, 2010 1:41 PM

Birth date:  Nov. 2, 1945

    Profession:  Realtor

    Educational background:  BA, Penn State University

    Public service (elected or appointed offices): None

    Community service (service clubs, nonprofit boards, etc.):  None

    How many years as a resident of your city: 9

    Marital status: Married

    Family: 6 grown children/4 grandchildren

    Hobbies:  Fishing/Travel

     Why are you running for office? 

    I am running because I am completely frustrated with the lack of common sense in Washington. For  as long as I have been a voter, the status quo rules regardless of the party in power. Our career legislators appear to have a common goal; the quest for re-election, regardless the cost.  Our founding fathers did not envision career legislators. Our legislators should be elected for the short term, then turn the reigns over to fresh minds to continue to expand and improve the Republic for the good of all the people.

     What do you see as the three biggest issues you will face? 

    The deficit, term limits, the economy. There are many other issues, Immigration, Campaign Finance Reform, Health Care Reform, The War on Terror, but I will address the 3 mentioned.

    If elected, what steps will you take to resolve these issues?

    Deficit:  All remaining TARP funds will be used to reduce the deficit, as well as any money recovered from bailouts. Propose an immediate 20-25% reduction of federal salaries. No more benefits to elected or appointed officials. They need to pay their own way.  Roll all federal retirement, past, present, and future, into Social Security.  

    Term Limits:  A constitutional amendment to set 1 term limit of six years for each Senator and Congressional Representative.  Only 1 term, and upon completion of that term, they return to the private sector.  They cannot run for any other federally-elected office.  This will stop the buying of our legislators by the special interests who currently purchase their favors. 

    Economy:  I search the internet for USA made products; it is futile.  All our jobs have gone to foreign countries for cheap labor. NAFTA, GATT and all other free trade agreements must be halted and revisited.  Trade should be fair; local and foreign industry must play on a level field.  Then we may see our industrial sectors flourish.

     What specific skills or experience qualify you for this job? 

    I have been a small business person for 27+ years.  My wife and I owned an interest in a large Real Estate company for several years.  Within a 3-year span we turned a company from near failure to be the most productive office in Idaho at that time. By cutting unneeded expenses and through proper training of our agents, we actually turned a profit within 3 years.  We need more business people in Congress and fewer attorneys.  Business people can legislate in layman s terms not legalese.  After seeing a Health Care Reform Bill of 2700+ pages, perhaps Congress needs to put the KISS system into action (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

     Why should voters elect you, rather than an opponent?

    I am a 1 term proponent.  I will run for 1 term only.  If I cannot get the ball rolling on some, if not all, my ideas, I do not deserve to remain there.  If I do get the ball rolling, I will be pleased to turn the reins over to a new Senator, who abides by the same principles.