Friday, April 26, 2024

JAIL: System set up to fail

| May 5, 2010 10:00 PM

This is in response to a letter written by Charles Wright. I don’t think he could have stated it any better unless he dropped a bomb on it.

Not to come down on the public defedners but they don’t have the manpower to help people, so the bonds stay high, the people stay in jail, the public defender makes a deal with the prosecutor five minutes before court if you are lucky enough to actually have the attorney assigned to you show up. Then you are told that this is the best deal you can get. If you’ve been in jail for some time you take it.

Then you are stuck in the system, loaded down with (helpful classes that cost lots of money) ordered by your PO. Just one more way to violate you and keep the jail full.

Stop filling the jail with low rate crimes, own recognizance people, reduce probation or eliminate it on some crimes and give people a chance. Quit setting them and the system up to fail. Somebody needs to listen (elected officials, please).


Coeur d’Alene