POSTAL: Pensions not as promised
In September 2009 the Postal Service decided to save money by offering a monetary incentive to workers eligible to retire. After 25 years of dedicated service I opted to take the offer.
Should have known better.
First we were promised a lump sum in November 2009, which we receivd in mid-December. OK. The restwe will get in October 2010. Not so sure!
As for my monthly pension: I’m still waiting. Since Oct. 31 I have received a bit over $4,000. Hello? Who wants to live on $700 a month? Finally finding someone to talk to I’m told they are running behind.
I’m sure our creditors will be good with that. Yeah, right! I put my time in and shouldn’t have to worry about living. Oh, they’re saving money, all right.
Maybe they should privatize and raise rates. Then maybe we’ll get our pensions.
Post Falls