Friday, July 26, 2024

KREM: Shameful lawsuit coverage

| June 30, 2010 10:00 PM

KREM 2 news did an outstanding job of casting aspersion on American Legion Post # 143’s Commander, John Dunlap.

From a journalistic perspective, this article is all wet and cast aspersions upon one of the most respected members of the Post Falls community. It is most obvious that the writer knows virtually nothing about the Veterans Community; it is well known that they are among the nation’s most fractured groups of people. Getting the various veterans groups to agree on anything is like herding cats. Virtually every veterans group in Kootenai County is equally fractured and have their percentage of members who disagree with most everything; Post #143 is no exception.

Post #143 is the largest in the state of Idaho with well over 600 members. For 15 members (620/15=0.02%) to conspire in a lawsuit and use KREM 2 as their mouthpiece is worth KREM 2 getting the facts. A little public investigation into the misfits who prompted KREM 2 news to do this shameful article would have revealed most they are indeed just misfits who have an axe to grind. And you help their cause, just plain shameful.


Post Falls