Friday, July 26, 2024

Legals June. 26, 2010

| June 26, 2010 12:00 AM

AMENDED NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On FRIDAY, JULY 16. 2010, AT THE HOUR OF 11:00 o'clock A.M., local time, of said day, at the front steps of the Kootenai County Courthouse, 501 Government Way, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Michael Schmidt, as Successor Trustee, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, together with fixtures, of the following described real property in Kootenai County, Idaho: Lot 3, Block 1, BOULDER PARK SUBDIVISION, according to the plat recorded in Book "I" of Plats, Page 457, records of Kootenai County, Idaho Commonly known as: 908 N. Boulder Court, Post Falls, ID 83854 The Trustee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above referenced real property for purposes of compliance with Section 60-113 Idaho Code. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrance to satisfy the obligations secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust described as follows: A Deed of Trust to secure an indebtedness of $260,000.00, and any other amounts as therein provided, payable under the terms, conditions, provisions and stipulations thereof. Dated: April 26, 2007 Grantor: Rodney L. Hollen and Sonia D. Hollen, husband and wife Trustee: Brad L. Williams, Attorney at Law Beneficiary: American West Bank Recorded: May 2, 2007 Instrument No.: 2097471000 Loan No.: 1100011885 An Assignment of Rents between Rodney L. Hollen and Sonia D. Hollen, husband and wife and American West Bank recorded May 2, 2007 as Instrument No. 2097472000. THE GRANTORS NAMED HEREIN ARE LISTED TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 45-1506 OF THE IDAHO CODE. No representation is made whether or not they are currently responsible for the obligation listed herein. The default for which this sale is to be made is the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is in default for failure of the obligors to make monthly payments since September 2009. As of October 13, 2009, the outstanding principal balance owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust was $249,113.89 plus accrued interest and late charges of $3,121.51. Additional interest accrues at the rate of 7.75% per annum or $53.6287 per day. Grantors must also pay outstanding taxes, interest, penalties, late charges, service charges, appraisal fees, title policy fees, and any other disbursements, costs fees or expenses incurred or paid by the Beneficiary and/or Trustee associated with this Notice of Default and/or foreclosure as provided by the Deed of Trust, Promissory Note, or by Idaho Law. American West Bank is the Beneficiary. MICHAEL SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law, is successor trustee of said Deed of Trust. DATED:6-3-10 ____________________________ Michael Schmidt, Trustee 601 East Front Avenue, Suite 502, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 208-667-0517 Legal 10138 June 12, 19, 26, 2010

Idaho Department of Commerce and Idaho Housing and Finance Association Notice of 2010 Request For Proposals (RFP) The Idaho Housing and Finance Association (IHFA) and Idaho Department of Commerce (IDC), together with up to seven Idaho entitlement community partners, are requesting proposals from qualified planning consultants to perform a statewide Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing. A .pdf version of qualifications and proposals must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. MST on Friday July 30, 2010. Files may be submitted by email to: with '2010 Request for Proposal' in the Subject line. The full RFP is available online under the 2010 Request for Proposals heading at Vendor questions must be submitted by email to no later than 4p.m. MST on 7/9/2010. All questions and responses will be available online no later than 7/16/2010. IHFA, IDC and our community partners reserve the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any irregularities in the proposals received, and to accept the proposal(s) deemed in the best interests of the partners and our constituents. Following receipt and initial review of proposals, partners may schedule interviews for the top-ranked proposals if necessary. IDC, IHFA and our community partners are equal opportunity affirmative action contractors. Each proposal will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, handicap, ancestry, age, sex or national origin. Qualified women and minority-owned businesses are encouraged to submit proposals. Legal 0042 June 26, 28, 2010

Shirley Bade Shirley Bade Law Firm, P.C. 408 Sherman Avenue, Suite 207 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 208-665-1335, fax 208-665-4621 I.S.B. No. 3848 Attorney for Personal Representative IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI MAGISTRATE DIVISION Case No. CV-10-1479 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of MARGARET E. NIST, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on June 9, 2010 Linda Russell of Family Fiduciary Services, Inc was appointed Personal Representative of the above named Decedent. All persons having claims against the Decedent or the Estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of the Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated, or filed with the Clerk of Court. Dated this 22nd day of June, 2010. ____________________________ SHIRLEY BADE, Attorney 408 Sherman Ave. Suite 207 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Legal 0043 June 26, 2010 July 3, 10, 2010

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Idaho Code 45-1506 Loan No.: 105009002 T.S. No.: 20000.1951 TSG No.: 136283 On 9/10/2010 at 11:00 AM (recognized local time), In the lobby of Pioneer Title Company of Kootenai County located at 100 Wallace Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814.. In the County of Kootenai, State of Idaho, Pioneer Lender Trustee Services, as Trustee on behalf of the beneficiary will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County of Kootenai, State of Idaho, and described as follows: Lot 12, Block B, Fritz Heath Forest Tracts 2nd Amendment, according to the plat recorded in Book "J" of Plats at Page 200, ET SEQ., records of Kootenai County, Idaho The Trustee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above referenced real property, but for purposes of compliance with Section 60-113 Idaho Code, the Trustee has been informed that the address of: NNA Blossom Mountain, Post Falls, ID, is sometimes associated with said real property. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by: William J. Bozlee, Jr. and Sandra D. Bozlee, husband and wife, As grantors, To: LandAmerica Lawyers Title, As Trustee, for the benefit and security of bankcda, As Beneficiary, dated 12/30/2005, recorded 1/6/2006, as Instrument No. 2006268, records of Kootenai County, Idaho. Please Note: The above Grantors are named to comply with section 45-1506(4)(A), ID Code, No representation is made that they are, or are not, presently responsible for this obligation set forth herein. The Default for which this sale is to be made is the failure to pay when due, under Deed of Trust and Note dated 12/30/2005. THE BALANCE OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST WHICH IS BEING CALLED DUE AND PAYABLE IN FULL AT THE OPTION OF THE BENEFICIARY AS EVIDENCE IN THE NOTE DATED 12/30/2005, AS A RESULT OF THE DEFAULT OF THE PAYMENT THAT BECAME DUE ON 01/15/2010, ALONG WITH LATE CHARGES, FORECLOSURE FEES AND COSTS ANY LEGAL FEES OR ADVANCES THAT HAVE BECOME DUE. The principal balance owing as of this date on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust is $117,307.34, plus accrued interest at the rate of 7.25% per annum from 10/28/2009. All delinquent amounts are now due, together with accruing late charges, and interest, unpaid and accruing taxes, assessments, trustee's fees, attorney's fees, and any amounts advanced to protect the security associated with this foreclosure and that the beneficiary elects to sell or cause the trust property to be sold to satisfy said obligation. Dated: May 04, 2010 By: Pioneer Title Company of Ada County dba Pioneer Lender Trustee Services Amy L. Bowles, Assistant Secretary Legal 10139 June 12, 19, 26, 2010 July 3, 2010

AMENDMENT NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE A Petition to change the name of Michael Abrams, born 8/14/1958, in Seattle, WA, residing at 116 B W. 20th Ave, Post Falls, has been filed in Kootenai County District Court, Idaho. The name will change to Joshua Mikhael Samuels, because of religious conversion. The petitioner's father has died and the names and addresses of his closest blood relatives are: Ruth Van Overbeke, Brian Van Overbeke and the petitioner's mother is living and her address is 4407 Gregory Ln E., Port Orchard, WA 98366. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 10:00 o'clock A.M. on July 8, 2010, at the County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date:6-1-2010 By:________________________ Deputy Clerk Legal 10088 June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2010

Lakes Highway District East Hayden Lake Road Rehabilitation Project Notice of Advertisement for Bids Separate sealed bids for the East Hayden Lake Road Rehabilitation Project will be received by Lakes Highway District, Kootenai County, Idaho, the Owner, at the Lakes Highway District Office located at 11341 N. Ramsey Road, Hayden Lake, Idaho 83835 until 10:00 a.m. prevailing local time July 8th, 2010. Bids will then be publically opened and read aloud. The project work generally includes: reclamation of the existing roadway by means of pulverization, application of emulsified asphalt, mixing, shaping, and the compaction process necessary to create asphalt stabilized base. Work also includes an asphalt overlay, and implementation of erosion control best management practices. An onsite pre-bid walk through will be held on June 24th at 2:00 p.m. The Contract Documents may be examined at the following location: Associated General Contractors 8884 N. Government Way, Suite B Hayden, Idaho 83835 Lakes Highway District 11341 N. Ramsey Road Hayden, Idaho 83835 Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained at the Lakes Highway District Office upon payment of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each set. Payment shall be made to the Lakes Highway District and is non-refundable. The Owner waives the right to waive any formality or to reject any or all of the bids. Davis Bacon Wages do not apply to this project. Each Bidder must deposit, with their bid, security in the amount, form and subject to the conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidder's. No Bidder may withdraw their bid within thirty-five (35) days after the date of the opening thereof. Dated this 19th day of June 2010. /s/ J. Marvin Lekstrum J. Marvin Lekstrum, Chairman Legal 10200 June 19, 26, 2010 July 3, 2010

Notice of Hearing on Name Change A Petition to change the name of Abby Brooke Turner, born 6-2-1992, in Lenoir, N.C., residing at 2501 Sheeman Ave #222, Coeur d'Alene, has been filed in Kootenai County District Court, Idaho. The name will change to Abby Brooke Watkins, because had a bad experience with adoptive family whose last name I carry. I want my original name back. The petitioner's father is living and his address is I have no idea. The petitioner's mother is living and her address is I have no idea. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o'clock p.m. on July 30, 2010, at the County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: June 16, 2010 DANIEL J. ENGLISH By: Debra D. Leu Deputy Clerk Legal 10201 June 19, 26, 2010 July 3, 10, 2010

NOTICE OF INVITATION TO BID 2010 STREET REHABILITATION RATHDRUM, IDAHO Sealed Bid Proposals for 2010 Street Rehabilitation project will be received by the City of Rathdrum, Idaho, located at 8047 W. Main Street, Rathdrum, Idaho 83858, until 3:30 P.M. (local time), on Wednesday, July 7, 2010 and then publicly opened and read aloud. All interested individuals are welcome to attend. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Base Bid work for which proposals are to be received is for the construction of approximately 4100 tons of AC pavement, 500 tons of stone base and other associated work items. The Bidding Documents may be examined at the following locations: * City of Rathdrum ? Public Works, 8047 W. Main Street, Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 * Associated General Contractors, 8884 N. Government Way, Hayden, Idaho 83835 * Spokane Regional Plan Center, 209 N. Havana Street, Spokane, WA 99202 Copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained at the City of Rathdrum ? Public Works, located at 8047 W. Main Street, Rathdrum, Idaho upon a non?refundable payment of $25 for each set. Bidding Documents will be available for viewing and purchase on Friday, June 18, 2010. Bids delivered by facsimile machine or electronic mail will not be accepted. All bids must be valid for a period of 60 days following the date for receiving the bids. The City reserves the right to retain any and all bids for a period of not more than 60 days and said bid shall remain in full force and effect during said time. The City further reserves the right to waive informalities and to award the Contract to any Bidder all to the advantage of the City of Rathdrum or to reject all bids. BID SECURITY: Each bid shall be accompanied by any of the following bid security in an amount equal to five percent of the total price: an acceptable cashier's or certified check made payable to the City of Rathdrum, an acceptable bid bond executed by an incorporated surety company in good standing and qualified to do business in the State of Idaho and whose name appears of the current Treasury Department Circular 570, or cash. Any Bid not accompanied by the aforementioned required item shall be deemed to be a non-responsive Bid. BONDS: A Performance Bond and Payment Bond each in the amount of 100 percent of the Contract price will be required from the Contractor to whom the work is awarded. PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR LICENSE: A Public Works Contractor License for the State of Idaho is required in order to submit a bid for this work. Dated this 19th day of June, 2010. Owner: City of Rathdrum /s/ Kevin Jump, PE ? City Engineer Legal 10202 June 19, 26, 2010

Lakes Highway District Lancaster Road - Phase 2 Road Reconstruction Project Forest Ridge to English Point Road Notice of Advertisement for Bids Separate sealed Bids for the Lancaster Road - Phase 2 Reconstruction Project - Forest Ridge to English Point Road will be received by Lakes Highway District, Kootenai County, Idaho, the Owner, at the Lakes Highway District office located at 11341 N. Ramsey Road, Hayden Lake, Idaho 83835 until 2:00 p.m. prevailing local time Thursday, July 8, 2010. Bids will then be publicly opened and read aloud. The project consists of the following work: Widening and reconstructing approximately 1.1 miles of Lancaster Road from Forest Ridge to beyond English Point Road, including culvert replacement, excavation, embarkment, drainage, ballast, base and paving, and miscellaneous work. Schedule One Excavation, embankment, drainage, curb, ballast, and erosion and sediment control, and miscellaneous work. Schedule Two Base and plant mix pavement. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality or to reject any or all Bids. Owner will award each schedule separately, and contractors may bid on one or both schedules. The Contract Documents may be examined at the following locations: * Associated General Contractors, 8884 N. Government Way, Suite C, Hayden, ID 83835 * Associated General Contractors, E. 4935 Trent, Spokane, WA 99220 * Lakes Highway District, 11341 N. Ramsey Road, Hayden Lake, ID 83835 * J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc., 7825 Meadowlark Way, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained at the office of J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc. upon payment of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each set. Payment is to be made to J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc. and is non-refundable. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality or to reject any or all Bids. Each bidder must deposit, with his Bid, security in the amount, form, and subject to the conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders. No bidder may withdraw his Bid after the date of the opening thereof except as allowed in the Instructions to Bidders. Dated this 17th day of June, 2010 /s/ J. M. Lekstrum J.M. Lekstrum, Chairman Legal 10204 June 19, 26, 2010

NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed proposals will be received by the IDAHO TRANSPORTATION BOARD only at the office of the IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT, 3311 WEST STATE STREET, BOISE, IDAHO 83703, ATTN: ROADWAY DESIGN until two o'clock p.m., on July 13, 2010, for the work of constructing the Atlas Bike Path Extension; Offsys, Atlas Bike Path Extension, CDA, known as Idaho Federal Aid Project No. A010(483), in Kootenai County, Key No. 10483. [ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: RESIDENT ENGINEER ***MARVIN FENN*** AT (208) 772-1253.] Plans, specifications, form of contract, proposal forms, and other information may be obtained at the office of the Idaho Transportation Department, Boise, Idaho, and are on file for examination at the office of the District Engineer at Coeur d'Alene Idaho. A non-refundable handling and mailing charge of FIVE DOLLARS ($5.00) plus applicable sales tax will be made for bid documents. Phone orders to (800) 732-2098 (in Idaho) or (208) 334-8430 shall be made by credit card (Visa or Mastercard). Written requests shall be made by check or money order to the Idaho Transportation Department, Attn: Revenue Operations, P. O. Box 34, Boise, ID 83731-0034. Dated June 18, 2010 TOM COLE, P.E. Chief Engineer Legal 0001 June 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2010

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Coeur d'Alene Planning Commission invites you to the following public hearings to consider your oral comments and all written comments received on this item: ITEM SP-2-10 What is being requested: Union Gospel Mission Association of Spokane is requesting approval of a Rehabilitative Facilities Special Use Permit in the R-17 (Residential at 17 units/acre) zoning district. It would allow the operation of a residential, treatment and rehabilitation facility for women and their children offering free transitional housing, treatment and education and job training services in a secure environment. Location of the request: The property is more specifically described as a +/- 2.73 acre parcel at 196 West Haycraft Avenue legally described as the North 200.3 feet of Tax Number 20247 in the Southeast _ of Section 2, Township 50 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho. ITEM ZC-5-10 What is being requested: City of Coeur d'Alene is requesting approval of a Zone Change from R-1 (Residential at 1 units/acre) to the R-17 (Residential at 17 units/acre) zoning district. Location of the request: The property is more specifically described as a +/- 5.7 acre parcel at 2102 St. Michelle Drive legally described as that portion of Tax Number 19230 lying West of St. Michelle Drive in the Southwest _ of Section 34, Township 51 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho. Public Hearing time and location: The public hearings will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Room, Lower-level of Coeur d'Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Avenue, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on July 13, 2010. Require more information? To see a more detailed copy of the above legal descriptions, obtain more information on the above requests or a copy of the staff reports; contact the Planning Department at 769-2240. Staff reports are also posted and available on July 9th at the City's web site at by clicking on agendas/planning commission. John J. Stamsos Clerk of the Commission Legal 0041 June 26, 2010