Friday, July 26, 2024

Expert: CdA could double in 25 years

| June 24, 2010 8:34 AM

The city of Coeur d'Alene will likely double in the coming 25 to 30
years, but it will take careful planning to maintain the quality of
life, says Tom Murphy, Senior Fellow with the Urban Land Institute.
Murphy was the keynote speaker at a forum at the Parkside Event Center this morning, where the hot topic was the issue of meeting
wastewater standards.
"You have a remarkable community," he said. "Will it remain remarkable

or be loved to death? Will it extend all the way to Washington? Will

you give up your quality of life because it has not been developed


A panel of engineers and Washington and Idaho leaders were among about
50 who participated in “Infrastructure 2010: Investment Imperative and
How Water Affects Our Local Economy and Livability,” and the biggest
concern was that growth would come to a complete halt if the two
states cannot come to an agreement on outflow of pollutants to the
Spokane River, and quickly.
"If we can't solve this issue, our growth stops," said Deanna
Goodlander, Coeur d'Alene City councilwoman.
Post Falls Mayor Clay Larkin agreed, warning that if his city is
unable to meet the standards and provide services to potential new
business it will not recruit them to the city and create the tax base
increases so desperately needed.
More about the discussion will be reported in The Press this weekend. - Rick Thomas