Friday, July 26, 2024

HART: Resign or be removed

| June 23, 2010 10:00 PM

As a resident of Hayden and Legislative District Three I am demanding that Rep. Phil Hart resign from the Idaho Legislature immediately. If he does not resign, the Idaho House of Repreentatives should remove him from office. A tax protester has no legal or moral standing to represent taxpayers and vote on how to spend taxpayers’ hard-earned money.

These are the facts:

1. Hart is a tax protester. Judge Pajak of the U.S. Tax Court declared, “Petitioner (Hart) makes tax protester arguments that have been repeatedly rejected by this Court and others as inapplicable and without merit.”

1. Hart is claiming that the reason he is not paying his taxes is to protect the people who have purchased his book “Constitutional Income, Do You Have Any?” Once again, court documents show Hart is not telling the truth. Documents filed in idaho Federal Court state: “In an effort to resolve this matter, the parties agreed to allow petitioner (Hart) to redact all of the names of the purchasers of petitioner’s book on the documents sought and submit the redacted documents to the IRS. Petitioner’s counsel agreed to review the redactions and attest that they were consistent with this understanding.”

Contact Speaker of the House Lawerence Denney and demand Hart’s removal from office.

Rep. Lawerence Denney

P.O. Box 114, Midvale, 83645

Home (208) 355-2374

FAX (208) 334-2491

