Thursday, October 10, 2024

Far left far from being right

by David Coppom
| June 5, 2010 9:00 PM

I have had to read your editorial of May 26 over repeatedly to try to make sense out of your board's conclusions, and can only believe that you have not only missed the boat but you all have fallen into Lake Coeur d'Alene on this one. You seemingly want to equate past bipartisan support of such programs as Social Security, the Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Act with support for the one-sided Democrat stuffing of the Health Care Act down the throats of the American people.

The outright corruption and vote-buying that occurred in that socialist act is just plain horrendous. The Republicans and independents that did not buy the radical liberal Democratic line were shut out of the process for a year, and the only face time they were allowed by the Obama administration were a couple of pre-ordained televised farces that supposedly passed for "input." The economic stimulus packages have been nothing more than buyouts of U.S. businesses to keep organized labor in the auto industry from losing their jobs, money for local governments and entities in the form of handouts to buy votes and create slush funds for Obama to keep his Dems in power. New job creation has been nearly non-existent. Demonization of businesses by this president have likewise exposed his intent to greatly expand government power into every part of our lives. The massive, unprecedented spending has indebted our grandkids before they are even born, and if the proposed Cap and Trade bill is passed the average citizen will collapse under the weight of the taxes that will be dumped onto him. Economically this whole path is unsustainable. Any problem you can see in fiercely opposing all of this? I think not.

This whole course of a Marxist-style socialism that this administration has undertaken needs to be opposed, and Republicans have done so to insure that it is known to be only a Democrat agenda. You see, folks, when Obama was elected by people who did not read his books and ignored his background, they elected a man whose agenda was to dump this country on its backside and turn us into a socialist paradise. I wrote the same in a letter to this paper eight months before the election, and my prediction of a president who would be a clear and present danger to the existence of this nation has been borne out.

If you all can't see how fervent opposition to this has resulted in massive conservative backlash throughout the country, then wake up and just wait until the next elections. You may not like it that partisanship is at a fever pitch right now, but this entire nation's existence and our Constitution is at stake. It is radically under attack by the far left who, after the Obama victory, emerged like jackals from their dens and were given the green light to tear the flesh of this country apart and fulfill the promise of "Hope and Change." They are doing so at a rapid pace. Partisanship in opposing this agenda should be understood and encouraged by those who believe in what our Founders gave us, not criticized because we may not play well in the sandbox. Compromise with the radical left now in power means agreeing with them, period. Sorry, absolute opposition to their agenda is a virtue in these times, not a vice. The board missed this time.

David Coppom is a Hayden resident.