Friday, October 11, 2024

Here's where Obama is failing us

by John M. Clark
| July 31, 2010 9:00 PM

In response to a recent letter from Gary Edwards, the concerns of our citizens can be addressed without sarcastic patronizing. Our President and Congress may not be traitorous, but a majority of Americans believe many actions are illegal, immoral, unethical and/or unconstitutional and that the President represents the U.S. as militarily weak, showing a lack of respect for key allies (Great Britain, Israel). Challenging the actions of our elected officials is a right and responsibility.


TWISTING THE CONSTITUTION: In our Capitalist Republic, elected officials govern only with our permission. We give permission backed by the rules and rights in our written Constitution; but the Constitution is not a "living" parchment to be twisted to fit administration agendas. When our elected officials take office, they swear to abide by the Constitution, yet our current administration says the Constitution was "written by old men and is not appropriate in today's world."

VIOLATION OF FREEDOM OF THE PRESS: The President is not keeping his promise to run the "most transparent administration in history." Best example: Health Care. The president promised C-Span coverage of the debate. In fact there was almost no TV coverage. Fox News was warned, by the Press Secretary, to stop negative reporting by saying: "Negative reporting on this bill is un-American." Fox refused and was not allowed in some press conferences. Other news networks complained (next?) and Fox was ALLOWED back in. This Bill contains outright lies.

UNETHICAL CONDUCT: A majority of Americans do not want the health care bill. Many aspects were even too radical for left wing Democrats but the President got their "Yes" votes by threats, intimidation, and promotions, or simply bought the votes with public funds. Back door deals made that would make a Chicago mayor blush.

UNCONSTITUIONAL USE OF TAXPAYER FUNDS: Bankrupt countries in Europe being "bailed out" with American taxpayer money (European Union). The Constitution does not say we are obligated to bail out bankrupt socialistic countries. WE are also headed to bankruptcy with social programs the Budget and Management offices say are unsustainable.

PRINTING OF MONEY, THE FIFTH AMENDMENT: Supporting social programs by borrowed funds (China, billions) or by printing money, is something our Founders never would have tolerated. Welfare is not a RIGHT. When you take taxes from one person who works and give to another who does not work or pay taxes, you violate the rights of the first person AND higher taxes will eventually have to solve part of the deficit even though our President has promised this won't happen.

SIDE NOTE: Constitutional Convention delegates in 1787 knew that the questions of specific freedoms could be addressed later with a Bill of Rights and amendments. Slavery and rights issues existed prior to 1787 and were not "restored" by the new Constitution. Part of the genius of the Constitution is that it resolved these issues by amendment, not re-interpretation.


• The Government's lawsuit against Arizona: amnesty for 10 million new "Democrat" votes.

• General Motors bankruptcy: illegal nationalizing of manufacturing. Taxpayer dollars paying back the Auto Workers Union for their support of the President's campaign for office.

• Threats and intimidation of U.S. banks not accepting "TARP" funds.

• Farce of global warming: 30,000 scientists signed a petition that the "science" is flawed; the world's Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the coldest winter in decades, and the Antarctica ice shelf is expanding at record rates. But for the President: "the science is proven and the subject is closed." Control, not science.

• EPA: Mandatory replacement of current light bulbs with a new bulb that contains toxic mercury(4 milligrams). A can of tuna is rated by the FDA as dangerous at 0.12 milligrams. The President: "We can no longer eat as much as we want, cool our homes as we please and drive our SUVS."

• Social Security: IOUs are in the fund, not money. Biggest theft, lie and fraud in U.S. taxpayer history. Ideas to turn the program around are blocked on the "floor." The administration: "Individual retirement funds would bankrupt the system." Translation: new approaches would keep Congress from illegally spending the money.

• Multiple Cabinet positions: all persons with tax problems, no Congressional investigations. The President "forgives" them for their mistakes.

• Black Panthers: The Panthers threatened voters at a polling site and were caught on tape. The President and Attorney General have the ordered the Civil Rights Administration to stop prosecution.

• U.S. President "bowing" to other heads of state (Saudi, China): cheap gifts to the Queen of England and returning a gift of a beautiful Churchill bust, "My father's African country was mistreated by Churchill."

We have good reason, Mr. Edwards, to be very concerned.

John M. Clark is a Coeur d'Alene resident.