Wednesday, October 09, 2024

HEALTHCARE: In Obama we trust

| July 18, 2010 10:00 PM

How refreshing to hear a voice of reason and reality about the Bush tax cuts (to the wealthiest) coming to an end. Thank you Chad. The bottom line is we cannot continue entitlements and bailouts while cutting taxes and have a healthy economy.

Under Clinton the U.S. had a balanced budget. Then for eight years the government spent more than they had and cut taxes. It will take more than two years to fix that kind of damage.

In regards to the fearmongers about socialism and “Obamacare,” how is bailing out the wealthiest of our population not socialism? Medicare and Medicaid, Social Security, welfare, farm subsidies, bank and car bailouts, the military and public education are government tax-funded entities that are socialistic programs for the social good of all.  Why is socialism for the rich OK, but not the poor or middle class? Why wouldn't we want to help our own people?

The U.S. is uniquely a Republic that practices democracy and employs socialistic programs to benefit everyone. Scaring people by saying our president is a socialist for continuing the same programs initiated by past presidents, Republican and Democrat, or for trying to fix our health care problems is counter intuitive and counter productive. Our current health care system places the U.S. 37th in the world. The movie, "Sicko,"shows how seriously flawed our health care system is. Why should only the wealthiest Americans receive quality health care?

Let's try a new tactic. Support our country by supporting our president.


Coeur d’Alene