Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Hart responds to ethics violation charges

| July 14, 2010 11:58 AM


Ethics Committee Answer Page 2


Ethics Committe Anser Page 3


Ethics Committe Anser Page 4


Ethics Committe Anser Page 5

At  2:30 PM Pacific time today I sent the Idaho House of Representatives Ethics Committee Chairman Tom Loerstcher and each committee member my answer to the charges that were leveled against me in a letter sent to me on July 6, 2010.

The responses I sent to the committee are attached to this document. The content of each communication stands on its own, but I want you to know that this part of the process of governance does not minimize the passion I have to serve the people of the 3rd legislative district.

I sought this office because I wanted to be in a position to protect our constitutional rights and the liberties of the people.

I am seeking re-election now because, with my six years of experience, I feel I can be more effective in attaining those lofty goals.

American patriots fight for what is right in the country and reject is what is wrong with the country. This battle for me is no less than fighting for what is right and just in the legislative arena and in the state that I have grown to love.

This battle for what is right gives me the opportunity to tell an American story. And tell that story I will.

  Phil Hart, State Representative Legislative District 3.